Consumer Information

When purchasing windows and external doors from a member of The Association of Danish Window Manufacturers you will receive good and controlled quality products and - provided they have been mounted and maintained correctly - last a long time.

Our members are furthermore included in a warranty scheme to ensure the customer if a manufacturer in rare cases closes down business.

Product quality, warranties and consumer rights in case of a complaint are ensured when the products are from one of the members of the Association of Danish Window Manufacturers.

In case the consumer and the manufacturer cannot reach an agreement on rectification or replacement of the DVV-labelled unit, the consumer can lodge a complaint with Byggeriets Ankenaevn (the tripatite Appeals Board established by the Danish Consumer Council, the National Homeowners Association and the Danish Construction Association) / Haandvaerkets Ankenaevn, thus ensuring the optimal claims handling.

When a lodged complaint has been accepted and the window manufacturer is subsequently unwilling - or unable - to rectify or replace the unit, the consumer should contact the Secretariat of the Warranty Scheme at

VinduesIndustrien - The Association of Danish Window Manufacturers, Inge Lehmanns Gade 10,
DK-8000 Aarhus C.

Phone: +45 3190 2090

Downolad the complaints guide here (pdf)

Download The DVV Warranty 180123 (pdf)

Byggeriets Ankenævn

Byggeriets Ankenævn
Postboks 102
1004 København K.
Tlf.:72 16 02 00
Fax:72 16 00 17


Håndværkets Ankenævn

Håndværkets Ankenævn
Islands Brygge 26
2300 Kbh S.
Tlf.: 7020 2537 (Kl. 13 til 15)
Fax: 7020 2567